MOMO AVEDA髮型屋推薦MOMO SALON AVEDA 擁有一群經驗豐富的髮型師團隊,曾為多個大型 Hair Show、Fashion Show、演唱會、舞台劇及潮流雜誌等設計髮型。並提供髮型設計及髮廊營運管理課程。而髮型師亦會不定期推出潮流髮型設計系列,作未來潮流動向預告。 MOMO SALON AVEDA has a group of experienced hair stylists who have participated in a number of large - scaled hair shows, fashion shows, concerts, fashion magazines and hair design. Also, we provide hair styling and salon business management courses. A series of workshop featuring the trend of hair design will be launched from time to time.髮型屋MOMO AVEDA位於銅鑼灣區,預約可以電話致電28909996查詢。