Hair Artists Group hair salon it been open over ten years, it offers a wide range of services from professional stylists and customer service is our first priority. Our hair saloln provides one-stop service, included: professional hair care and hair styling with the best customer service.
Āto Hair Club 位於城中心臟地帶,繁華熱鬧 — 旺角,高踞於朗豪坊49樓。為全港最高之美髮中心,讓客戶飽覽維多利亞港及兩岸獨特的海岸線美景,並享受著高私隱度的平台、日式貼心的服務、專業而細緻的美髮美甲體驗。
Āto Hair Club 擁有舒適寫意的環境及高端專業的設施及儀器,為眼光獨到的會員提供一個尊享的私人空間。
寧靜的環境下,用溫柔的音樂,用樸素的顏色包圍你,讓你可以靜心享受你的Me Time 同時讓頭髮休息做美容。令客人離開髮型屋後,不但髮型有新轉變,心情都能夠喚然一新~