寧靜的環境下,用溫柔的音樂,用樸素的顏色包圍你,讓你可以靜心享受你的Me Time 同時讓頭髮休息做美容。令客人離開髮型屋後,不但髮型有新轉變,心情都能夠喚然一新~
The Attic 為年青時尚之Hair Salon,為滿足不同客人的需要和喜好,與時並進,為每位尊貴的客戶提供最專業最有創意的剪髮、染髮及造型服務。The Attic擁有一群經驗豐富的髮型團隊,曾為多個大型時裝秀、音樂會、電影、廣告、雜誌、專輯封面等髮型設計。我們誠意邀請你親身黎臨體驗一下我們對髮型的熱誠。 A little offbeat and out of the ordinary, The Attic is the result of a bunch of liberals gathered to create a difference with an emphasis of originality. Strives to bring the inner chic out of each of their beloved customers, The Attic focuses much on personalized styling while keeping a hint of coolness here and there.
Communication to client.
Health safety to client.
Commitment to client.
Professional Hair Salon located in the heart of Admiralty.
國際專業美髮中心 (位於金鐘)。
Homies Barbershop Hong Kong which located in Central with stylish interior, casual laid-back service.
We provide hair cut, fade, beard trim and wet shave.