At P.O.P we work with spirit to distinguish ourselves through cultural independence.Our hairstyling genre is marked by an uniquely identifiable style of art that is exclusively foundhere.We are comprised of a team of professionals who are dedicated to create an experience that revive and reveal your individuality and beauty. We strive to be the best in our area of expertise through creative technique, personal service and teamwork.
有啲人追求潮流,有啲人卻懷念過往。喺尖沙嘴嘅Black Rose Barbershop就係一間傳統男士理髮廳,酷酷外型嘅店主原本喺髮廊工作,因緣際會下接觸Barber文化,因而決定一頭栽入專業男士理髮嘅事業。
因為專注所以專門,Black Rose Barbershop提供全方位男士造型服務,從剪頭髮、修鬍子、剃鬍子到油頭造型,你都可以在呢度受到專業的服務,而對油頭特有研究的店主也會時不時提供建議,並且提供自己對髮型的堅持,對頭髮的堅持的程度可不輸給一般女性朋友。而店內也販售梳理油頭所需要的相關產品,想要認識更多傳統油頭文化的你,絕對不能錯過Black Rose Barbershop。
PRIVATE i SALON成立於1996年,為香港著名甲級髮廊集團,分店主要遍佈商業重鎮中環區,旗下分店多達14間,包括有:PRIVATE I SALON, PRIVATE i SALON, Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON 及 PRIVATE i GARDEN Kids Salon,提供一站式美髮及美容服務,服務範疇包括:美髮、美甲、形象顧問及化妝服務。過去20年間,集團獲得各界的高度評價,亦獲得著名影視紅星、名媛藝人、傳媒朋友、各地旅客及客戶們的支持,成為各人心中的最佳髮廊集團。
The Attic 為年青時尚之Hair Salon,為滿足不同客人的需要和喜好,與時並進,為每位尊貴的客戶提供最專業最有創意的剪髮、染髮及造型服務。The Attic擁有一群經驗豐富的髮型團隊,曾為多個大型時裝秀、音樂會、電影、廣告、雜誌、專輯封面等髮型設計。我們誠意邀請你親身黎臨體驗一下我們對髮型的熱誠。 A little offbeat and out of the ordinary, The Attic is the result of a bunch of liberals gathered to create a difference with an emphasis of originality. Strives to bring the inner chic out of each of their beloved customers, The Attic focuses much on personalized styling while keeping a hint of coolness here and there.