In order to provide our customer with products that are high quality but low price, the company has collaborated with Korean wholesale companies and skin care companies. By reducing the margin, the retail price is much lower than other companies. Most important of all, all the services are provided by professional Koreans, which is why it can express the true K-beauty.
Veda Salon前身為T-Hair,以多年經歷,髮型師彼此之間反覆嘅研究同交流,以及合理價格,為每位客人創造獨立時尚嘅髮型。引入嶄新器材同品質優良嘅髮型用品,為客人塑造出美觀而持久嘅髮型。服務包含負離子直髮、牛奶直髮、電髮及陶瓷曲髮等專業服務,依照客人需求任選,價錢清晰可見,由專業髮型師操刀。
創立Veda Salon嘅係幾位懷抱住對髮型熱忱嘅髮型師,相信最好嘅服務嚟自於聆聽客戶聲音,「互信、互動」係佢地嘅服務宗旨,亦因此為加深與客人之間溝通,Veda Salon 增設網路查詢平台,解答客人對髮型上嘅問題,為彼此築起溝通橋樑,建立互信關係。
Veda Salon喺網路上嘅名聲好好,以細心又極有創意嘅髮型設計出名,亦經常於網頁上釋出優惠訊息,回饋常客。
創立於 2003 年10月
佔地 2700 尺
Address: 2301, Causeway Bay Plaza 2,
463-483 Lockhart Road,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
(MTR: Causeway Bay Station Exit C)
In Order To Provide The Best Service, Please Make The Appointment In Advance. Thanks.
Exclusive Salon is a modern and comfortable hair salon in the heart of Causeway Bay. Perfect for stopping by during a long day of shopping! You will be delighted by the friendliness of our staffs & our professional hair stylists. We provide natural color dying, relaxing & smoothing treatment, perm & also japanese ion straigthening. Please call us for more infos.
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