Barber Revolution是由多位對髮型有熱誠的資深髮型師(APPLE DANIEL RONNIE.......等)組合而成的我們希望為每位客人提供專業及細心的服務,每次享用服務後都能夠滿足而回!!!,BARBER=即是髮型師REVOLUTION=即是革命BARBER REVOLUTION=即是髮型師的革命,本店主要選用來自日本,歐美的產品:(SHISHEDO,MILBORN,RELVON,MATRIX......)等多種大品牌務求為每位顧客不同的髮質都能夠造出最好的造型
Salon TIC是殿堂級髮型集團Il Colpo Group成員之一,全店超過2000平方尺並採用和階色系,予人自然舒服感覺及帶出簡約風格。與此同時,是東九龍最多元化集美髮及美容於一身的生活專門店,提供一站式剪髮、電染、護理、修甲、啫喱甲、飄眉、霧眉等服務,特設2間獨立VIP房、兒童剪髮專區及頭皮分析服務。我們店前方設計寛敞的購物環境,提供多種造型、洗護產品、髮飾、工具體驗區,成為顧客生活一部份,迎合大家日常需要及提升生活質素。
Founded in 1987, IL COLPO GROUP has been the leading hairdressing and beauty group in Hong Kong for 30 years, collecting a loyal following of celebrities and the high society. It has opened more than ten salons in Hong Kong within ten years’ time. The group has always been a pioneer in the beauty industry, by introducing Japanese nail art trend to the city and set up the very first professional nail salon in 2000. Also the first to establish Massage & Spa Centre to provide one-stop beauty services in 2001. Today, the company has already established over 30 hair, nail and beauty outlets.
本公司於2012年9月開業,擁有華麗舒適的環境,髮型師以專業之態度為顧客服務。並全線採用日本及歐洲產品。,-本髮廊採用意大利達芬莉Davines-原裝進口洗髮水及護髮素-照顧您的秀髮無微不至-提升洗髮感受;令您用得更舒適放心(- The use of Italian Dafen Li Davines salon- Imported shampoo and conditioner- Meticulous care of your hair- Enhancing shampoo feelings; make you more comfortable with ease)