【Salon Anca - IL COLPO GROUP】
IL COLPO集團成立於1987年,至今已經30年,是香港歷史最悠久的一間美髮美容集團,成立初期主要客戶是影視紅星及上流社會人士,隨後積極拓展業務並在短短十年間開設了超過10間髮廊,遍佈香港多個經濟及旅遊據點。於2000年更將日本美甲熱潮帶到香港並開設首間美甲專門店,成為一時佳話。眼見香港人生活質素不斷提升,2001年更率先開設水療按摩美容中心,將美容服務一站式化,成為業界先鋒者。
Hair Artists Group hair salon it been open over ten years, it offers a wide range of services from professional stylists and customer service is our first priority. Our hair saloln provides one-stop service, included: professional hair care and hair styling with the best customer service.
HAIR POINT GROUP現有七間分店,分店分別位於九龍,新界,交通方便。各分店面積達1000至3500呎,致力為顧客設計髮型及提供多類髮型服務。 髮點髮型師的角色是將一個未經修飾的人,像雕琢師般從頭開始裝扮粉飾令他變得漂亮起來。髮型可直接影響人的容貌,因此我們認為要因應不同的面型設計,不會盲目跟風,悉心地為顧客創出美麗風采,樣子漂亮,人也自然變得自信。 HAIR POINT GROUP 50多位髮型師亦以他們豐富的經驗配合創意為顧客提供貼心的服務。 近年更因應市場需求,以照顧更多客人而開設 另一分公司 HAIR PRO。 此外,本髮型屋採用歐美,日本優質的美髮產品,配以髮型師的專業意見,必能為客人塑造一個時尚髮型。
QG PRIVATE i SALON QG PRIVATE i SALON “QG” In French means headquarters, which represents leadership within the PRIVATE i SALON Group. It is located at the 6-stars Four Seasons Hotel in Central. An international flare combines both modern and classic interior styles with emphasis on white and gray colors for a striking contrast. Crystal clear ceiling to floor windows of this exclusive salon highlight the breath taking view of Victoria Harbour. It gives a relaxed and rejuvenated feeling together with a welcoming and comfortable surrounding makes it especially suitable for CEOs, politicians, international travelers and celebrities alike.